Please familiarize yourself with the information below before reading the prospectus!
Attention! Before accessing the Prospectus or using the Prospectus in any way please carefully read this information and conditions related to the use of the Prospectus available on the website. Accessing the Prospectus constitutes agreeing to abide by the conditions below, including any changes to the conditions. The Prospectus is available on the website in digital form. We remind you that documents available online may be changed or modified during transfer. In consequence, the Company, members of its bodies, employees, and advisors as well as affiliated entities bear no responsibility for any differences between the content of the digital version of the Prospectus, which you can access, and the content of the Prospectus in physical form. We remind you that you can access the Prospectus only if you are authorized to do so according to the rules and regulations of the law of the applicable local jurisdiction. Accessing the Prospectus does not entitle you to share the Prospectus with other individuals. You can access the digital Prospectus at your own risk and you are responsible for verifying if the Prospectus is free from viruses and other malicious files.
The Prospectus of Setanta SA, based in Warsaw, was prepared in relation to applying for admittance and introduction to trading on a regulated market (parallel market) managed by the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA of the following:
Legal disclaimer
Please read this disclaimer carefully. Downloading the Prospectus file constitutes making a declaration, which reads as follows below, and to accepting the restrictions specified in the disclaimer, as well as confirming that you are accessing the website in the Republic of Poland.
On September 19, 2016, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority approved the Prospectus of SETANTA SA, which was prepared in relation to applying for admittance and introduction to trading on a regulated market managed by the Warsaw Stock Exchange SA with a total amount of 4 308 200 shares of Setanta SA, at a nominal value of 0,10 PLN each, including: 1 504 000 class A ordinary bearer shares, 20 000 class B ordinary bearer shares, 325 000 class C ordinary bearer shares, 180 000 class D ordinary bearer shares, 92 600 class E ordinary bearer shares, and 2 186 600 class F ordinary bearer shares.
This digital form of the Prospectus was published pursuant to Art. 45 in relation to Art. 47, para. 1, subpara. 1 of the Act of July 29, 2005, on a public offering and the terms and conditions of introducing financial instruments to an organized trading system as well as on publicly held corporations. The Prospectus is the only legally binding document containing information about the Company. Investors should read the content of the Prospectus carefully, especially risk factors connected to investing in the Company’s shares. All investment decisions concerning these securities should be made only after analyzing the content of the Prospectus, including annexes to the Prospectus.
The information on this website is not intended for publication or distribution outside the Republic of Poland. The information on this website is intended exclusively for people who reside and live in the Republic of Poland. No issue of shares or public offering is made based on the Prospectus in the Republic of Poland and in any other country. The Prospectus cannot be treated as a suggestion or offer of purchase. The Prospectus and securities related to the Prospectus were not objects of registration, approval, or any other notification in any country other than the Republic of Poland. Securities covered by the Prospectus cannot be offered or sold outside the Republic of Poland (including the territory of the European Union and the United States of America). Any investor who resides or has a registered office outside the Republic of Poland should familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations of Polish law as well as the applicable rules or regulations of other countries.