
Paradise Lost Reddit AMA coming soon!

17 September, 2020

This summer has been a busy one for Paradise Lost. Through the many online gaming events of the summer we’ve released a new trailer, a gameplay commentary video, and most recently, a new cinematic trailer that left viewers wondering about the story behind the chaotic scene witnessed in the video just before the bunker door was sealed.

Despite all this new content, including the demo you can play on Steam right now, we wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve been left with more questions than answers. Paradise Lost is a mystery-adventure game after all!

To answer all your questions (without spoiling the story of course!) and get you as excited about Paradise Lost as we are, we’ll be hosting an AMA over at r/gaming on Reddit with Bogdan Graczyk Paradise Lost’s game director and main narrative designer.

Post your questions now and we’ll start answering them on 18.00 CET/12.00 EDT on September 19.

And if you haven’t yet, play the demo, available on Steam and check out our Last Story on Earth Series where we share historical documents every week that shine some light on how Paradise Lost’s alt-history timeline diverged from the one we know.

Everything about Paradise Lost: