All in! Games 2021 Wrap Up
2021 was an eventful year filled with growth and success for All in! Games. We celebrated our 3rd anniversary – happy birthday to us! – and unlocked lots of new achievements. Dive in and learn all about our 2021 run.
Watch the summary video:
See the infographic:

Our video games
On the game side of things, this year we released Chernobylite, Paradise Lost, Lumberhill, Of Bird and Cage, Fort Triumph on consoles, and took Arboria from Early Access to full release on Steam.
We released plenty of DLCs as well (14!) including the Tools Up! Garden Party series, weapon skin packs for Chernobylite, and more.
With all our new releases and updates, we sold over 1 million copies of our games in 2021!
We also created a one-stop shop where you can easily see which of our games are on sale and on which platforms–All in! Deals! Be sure to check it out if you haven’t yet.
You also showed your love for our games in other ways; just in 2021, Twitch viewers spent over 3,824,464 hours watching our games—that’s over 436 years!
Speaking of Twitch, we reached a high point of over 1,000 influencers partnerships in 2021 with content creators from over 80 countries! It’s been great working together.
Our social media channels saw a lot of growth in 2021 too with community engagement growing by almost 60%—keep it coming!
2021 was full of online gaming events and we attended quite a few, including PC Gaming Show and Gamescom. At some, we even shared our expertise with lectures from our UX Research & Accessibility Coordinator, Łukasz Stawarz and our CEO Piotr Żygadło.
We’re always striving to help players access our games via different channels and enhance their gaming experience. To that end we partnered with quite a few companies in 2021: Amazon Prime, Xsolla, CORSAIR, AMD, NVIDIA, and Alienware. Gaming is always better with friends!
2021 was a good year for publicity as well as we were mentioned in the media quite a bit. We even made it to Forbes’ Top 10 Largest Polish Companies list, won the title of 2nd Best Polish Publisher on Metacritic, and received an Innovation Award! On top of that, just before the year’s end Chernobylite won IndieDB’s Indie of the Year award and made it on Steam’s very own best of 2021 list.
Speaking of winning, our esport team Wisła All in! Games Kraków had a great year too! Their crowning victory was getting 1st place in the 2021 ESL Polish Fall Championship, securing their place in one of the biggest tournaments in the CS world, IEM Katowice 2022. Good Game!
Our business
On the business side of things, 2021 saw us sell Ghostrunner’s IP, but it didn’t completely leave our family as we still participate in its revenue. We look back on our time together fondly and feel lucky to have taken part in the experience of publishing such an iconic game. In terms of additions, we expanded our group of companies to include Happy Little Moments and Ironbird Creations. We hope they’ll accomplish great things in 2022!
We’ve also grown a lot as All in! Games! Our team has increased to over 100 employees from all around Poland and Europe.
As we’ve evolved, so have our aspirations. In October we held our own Warsaw Stock Exchange conference to present our latest strategy for success. Our goals are to take on bigger projects, cultivate our expertise, expand our group of companies, and create a one-stop shop for developers.
With so much always happening at All in! Games, we started releasing regular company summary videos in 2021 for investors. We hear they’ve been much appreciated so we’ll be sure to continue the practice in 2022.
2021 is now behind us, but the experience points we collected along the way will stay with us forever. What’s coming in 2022? Only time can tell, but for now we can say that we’ve got big plans and even a few surprises that we can’t wait to share with you. Let’s go all in together—join our social media channels and stay up to date!